Michael Clark

I placed an order for 75 small balls, which came very promptly. Thank you very much. Bill Cassell I was in Birmingham, Alabama yesterday doing some shopping. I saw your product, The Complete Juggling Ensemble, next to some other brand juggling ball sets. I was kind of skeptical, cause your item was $30 while the others were only $7. “Comes with a DVD”. Hmm, B.F.D. I took a chance and bought it anyway and came home. The DVD shows it as beasy, but come on, we are talking about ME.

I was very impressed at how much I learned after 1 day. I can’t juggle for more than 8 rotations, but hey! I can juggle up to 8 rotations!

So I went to your website (along with a few others) to price other juggling items. I thought maybe I’d learn to juggle clubs. You have some nice clubs at $15 each. I thought that was too high, until I saw other companies selling them for $38 and higher!

I do believe I have a found a great company to purchase my juggling needs from. I will pass on your name, but it’s hard to be a living testimony for your company while I still suck. As soon as I’m good, I’m telling everyone.


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